maandag 15 september 2008

psalm 91

The Lord Is My Fortress
1 Live under the protection
of God Most High
and stay in the shadow
of God All-Powerful.
2 Then you will say to the Lord,
“You are my fortress,
my place of safety;
you are my God,
and I trust you.”

3 The Lord will keep you safe
from secret traps
and deadly diseases.
4 He will spread his wings
over you
and keep you secure.
His faithfulness is like
a shield or a city wall.

5 You won't need to worry
about dangers at night
or arrows during the day.
6 And you won't fear diseases
that strike in the dark
or sudden disaster at noon.

7 You will not be harmed,
though thousands fall
all around you.
8 And with your own eyes
you will see
the punishment
of the wicked.
9 The Lord Most High
is your fortress.
Run to him for safety,
10 and no terrible disasters
will strike you
or your home.

11 God will command his angels
to protect you
wherever you go.
12 They will carry you
in their arms,
and you won't hurt your feet
on the stones.
13 You will overpower
the strongest lions
and the most deadly snakes.

14 The Lord says,
“If you love me
and truly know who I am,
I will rescue you
and keep you safe.
15 When you are in trouble,
call out to me.
I will answer and be there
to protect and honor you.
16 You will live a long life
and see my saving power.”

dinsdag 9 september 2008

een vriendinnetje van mij stuurde me deze songtekst..die had ze vanochtend op de radio gehoord...

hoe apart, He is my refuge :D:D:D daar mag ik echt op vertrouwen

You are my refuge

I have found a place
I can call my own
Here in Your embrace
Where Your mercy overflows
It’s here that all my doubts and fears just melt away
I lay my burdens down and I look upon Your face

You are my refuge
You are my sanctuary
When I feel afraid
You’re my hiding place
You are my refuge
And when the storm is raging
Underneath Your wings
I rejoice and sing
You are my refuge

I have found a place
I can call my own
Here in Your embrace
Where Your mercy overflows
It’s here that all my doubts and fears just melt away
I lay my burdens down and I look upon Your face

He who dwells
in the secret place
of the most High God
shall abide
underneath the shadow
the shadow of Your wings

You are my refuge
You are my sanctuary
When I feel afraid
Lord, You’re my hiding place
You are my refuge
And when the storm is raging
Oh, Underneath Your wings
I rejoice and sing/You are my refuge

You are my refuge
Under the shadow of your embrace
Under your shadow I find my strength
you are my refuge
the one who lifts my heart
You are my strength Lord
I will run to you

maandag 8 september 2008

romeinen 5:

Leven in vrede met God

1 Wij zijn dus als rechtvaardigen aangenomen op grond van ons geloof en leven in vrede met God, door onze Heer Jezus Christus. 2 Dankzij hem hebben we door het geloof toegang gekregen tot Gods genade, die ons fundament is, en in de hoop te mogen delen in zijn luister prijzen we ons gelukkig. 3 En dat niet alleen, we prijzen ons zelfs gelukkig onder alle ellende, omdat we weten dat ellende tot volharding leidt, 4 volharding tot betrouwbaarheid, en betrouwbaarheid tot hoop. 5 Deze hoop zal niet worden beschaamd, omdat Gods liefde in ons hart is uitgegoten door de heilige Geest, die ons gegeven is.

zaterdag 6 september 2008


ik weet niet zo goed hoe ik het moet uitleggen maar gisterenavond was ik aan het bidden en er kwam de hele tijd één woord in mijn hoofd: refuge.. ik wist niet goed wat het betekende maar het bleef maar terugkomen, toen ik thuiskwam heb ik het meteen opgezocht op internet en de woorden hierboven stonden daar.. het heeft me geraakt en bemoedigd....